Whenever you think of website design,
you are probably considering how a website looks on the outside. If you are an HTML programmer, you might think that this refers to the programming that is used to create the site that we all see.
In reality, website design also refers to a type of optimization technique that can help you improve your ranking on the search engines.
Although this may seem far-fetched, it is actually something that many entrepreneurs on the Internet implement with their websites and blogs so that higher rankings can be achieved and more money can be made. In this article, we will discuss certain website design techniques that will boost your rankings and improve your overall sales throughout the month.
Most website design tips will tell you to present a website that looks professional. This usually involves quite a bit of graphics, and also a professional appearance to the website itself. This is often much easier to achieve when using a WordPress blog, simply because all you have to do is change themes in order to get a different appearance. When it comes to SEO and optimizing your website, one of the best things you can do is pay attention to how your website looks if you want to rank well in the SEs. One of the easiest ways to do this is by designing your website to present the advertisements for your products in a way that motivates people to click and potentially buy.
If you think about popular websites today, like Yahoo! and CNN, they position their advertisements in specific locations that the visitor will more than likely be looking at. Most people are conditioned to expect advertisements, but even better, they are conditioned to look at certain areas of a website, which is where the webmasters typically place the ads. This conditioning motivates people to take notice, click, and see what they have to offer. Unfortunately, this website design tip is only focused upon garnering clicks and potential sales. The best tip to take away from this article has to do with improving your ranking on the search engines.
The easiest way that you can improve your ranking on any of the search engines is to choose a web design that loads extremely fast. The faster your site is able to load, the more valuable the site will be in the eyes of Google and other search engines. They are thinking about customer satisfaction, or at least visitor satisfaction, specifically those using their search engine to find the information. If the website is slow, people will more than likely click away, and never see what is offered. They will also be unsatisfied with their experience, something that search engines try to avoid.
Therefore, to improve your overall ranking with website design, the best thing you can do is use an HTML template or a WP theme that will load extremely quickly. As long as the information presented is relevant to the search, and you place your ads in appropriate locations, this tip will help you rank better and hopefully also help you earn more money.