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Crying is a physiological process in the life of a baby.All normal babies cry to communicate with others.Sine they can't express their feelings in words crying is the only way for communication. If any uncomfortable feeling comes they simply cry.Normally babies cry in situations like hunger,wetting,too heat or cold,tight clothes,pain ect.

Some kids need the presence of somebody otherwise will cry simply.Crying without any cause is habitual in some babies. Even though crying is considered as normal it may worry the family members.Since the reasons for crying ranges from simple causes to serious causes it should not be ignored and hence exact cause has to be identified and managed accordingly.

The following are some points which should be considered while dealing with a crying baby.

1, It is dangerous to shake the baby vigorously.

2,Tight clothes can cause irritation hence it should be removed.

3,If the room is hot put the fan and open the windows.

4,If the nappy is wet remove it and after cleaning the parts make it dry with a soft towel.

5,Pat her back or stroke her head slowly and let her here your soothing sound.

6,Give breast milk and make her quiet.

7,If the climate is cold cover her in soft towel.

8,Rock her gently in your arms and walk slowly in the room.

9,Take a music making doll and let her listen.

10,Try a pacifier or help her for thumb sucking.

11,If no response change her position.

12,Walk outdors with her.

13,Put her on the cradle and rock gently.

14,If no response ask somebody to carry the baby.

Even after all these steps the baby goes on crying see for the following signs.
( Probable cause is given after every sign)

1,Press her abdomen gently,she may twist or resist you:---Colic

2,Pull her ear gently she may become worse or push your hands away:---Earache.

3,Feel her temperature with the back of your hands:--Fever due to any infection.

4,Examine the skin from head to foot:--Eruptive disease,nappy rash,measles,vesicles,allergy ect.

5,See the nose for any discharge:--Coryza.

6,Move the head gently to feel any neck stiffness:--Meningitis,head injury ect.

7,Keep your ear near her chest to hear any rattling sound:--Increased mucus in wind pipes.
(pneumonia,bronchiolitis,asthamatic bronchitis ect)
8,Examine the anal orifice:--Anal erosion,rectal polyp,crawling of worms.

9,Examine the genitalia:--Any discharge or erosion.

10,In male baby see the testicles which may be swollen or tender:--Orchitis,torsion of testes.

11,also notice the body movements and see for any convulsions,rigors,vomiting,cough,laboured breathing ect.

If you see the above signs or any other abnormal signs consult your doctor for proper treatement.

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